1938 - 1944 | Naissance: | Arrestation: | Résidence: ,


Debra BARNES, niece of Annette SZKLARZ

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  • Source : Blog of Debra Barnes (daughter of Paulette Szklarz, niece of Nathan and Annette Szklarz)


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2 commentaires
  1. klejman laurence 4 ans ago

    Thank you for this biography. Do you have further information about the Szklarz family in Poland. My mother’s aunt, Fredka Sandler, was married to a Volf Szklarz, living in Paris 18e, and who was making pastries. The couple and their 3 children, all bornn in France, were arrested during the Rafle du Vel d’hiv and killed in Auschwitz. Do you think they could be relatives?

  2. MURAT 4 ans ago

    I dont speack english very well. It’s possible i have found the union of your grand father in France – Département Moselle (57) – commune of BOULAY-MOSELLE – Date : 26/08/1924
    Traitel SZKLARZ with Cécile Léa RYCHNER.
    I found on the site internet « GENEANET » and i have checked with table decenale of BOULAY-MOSELLE because error on the name SZKLAVZ / GENEANET.


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